You can select up to 5 characteristics to define your ideal cocktail. Each characteristic is assigned a color code based on its importance:
White = 1 point (Least important)
Yellow = 2 points
Green = 4 points
Red = 9 points (Most important)
You can use each color code as many times as you wish. However, overusing any color code (except White) will incur a penalty, reducing the overall performance.
Penalty-Free Set: White, White, Yellow, Green, Red
(Diverse and balanced)
Penalized Set: White, Green, Red, Red, Red
(Overusing Red triggers penalties)
If Red is crucial to you, consider avoiding the use of Red for other preferences.
This strategy helps you emphasize what truly matters. The goal is to encourage thoughtful ranking, and avoid greedy behavior.
Choose wisely to craft an ideal cocktail menu!